1shallow baked sweet shortcrust pastry case, 20 cm To the Recipe
3egg yolks
397gcondensed milk1 tin
1pinchof salt
For the lemon tart filling
Into a large bowl pour the condensed milk, the zest from 3 of the lemons, a pinch of salt and the juice from all 4 lemons onto the egg yolks.Bring to the boil on low heat and simmer until thickens.
Take it off the heat, filter everything through a strainer and let cool. Put in the fridge for 1 hour. Heat the oven after 30 minutes to 180 °C (350 °F).
After cooling, mix lemon filling well with a balloon whisk and pour into the prepared pastry case. Bake for 30 minutes.
Let cool and serve dusted with icing sugar or caramelise the top with brown sugar.